Another Thing I See As Wasteful!

I like cereal with milk. However I have great pain when I throw out the milk left over from my bowl of cereal.
You might say, "Why don't you drink it?" Well, I am not a picky person and I like most all foods but the milk left after the cereal is all scooped out is one thing I just can't handle! I try not to put too much milk on to start with but it does take about at least a half cup of milk or more to moisten the cereal. Sometimes I take an extra helping of cereal just to soak up the leftover milk but other times it is just more than I can eat. So that is when I have to throw it away.
Back years ago when I had dogs I gave my leftover milk to them but now I don't have a dog so the only thing I can do is pitch it.
Every member of my family usually always drank the leftover milk and I was glad. But I could not do it. There was just something about that sweet milk that was repulsive to me.
My frugal streak hates me for throwing out good milk, but what else can you do? Certainly no one else would want it!
Sometimes I think maybe I will eat cereal for breakfast and then I think, No, I don't want to throw away the leftover milk.
Hey, I just had a thought, maybe I could put in in the fridge until I want cereal again! No, that is also repulsive. I guess I will just have to grin and bear it when I have leftover cereal milk and throw it away.
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