Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sleeping Positions

The picture above shows my favorite sleeping position. Sometimes I bend up one knee or the other but I would say 99% of the time I am on my stomach.

Ford, my husband, always slept on his right side. He declared that if he turned to his left, or back side he would get extremely dizzy. He could not sleep on his back or his stomach at any time. So he was a total right side sleeper. I think a lot of it was just in his mind. But the mind plays an important part in people's thoughts and decisions. He also wanted to sleep on the left side of the bed so his back was toward the center of the bed, not to the outside edge. That left me sort of limited to the right side of the bed. That didn't bother me because I could turn to either direction in the bed or lie on my stomach.

I can lie on my back or sides but I just don't do it. If I do happen to lie on either side or my back I am only there for a few seconds until I am right back to my stomach. I can't explain why I prefer to sleep on my stomach but I do. Of course I don't stay awake to see how I position myself but whenever I awaken I am always on my stomach, so I assume I sleep that way most of the time.

Most people have a favorite way to lie when they sleep and I am sure there are hundreds of different ways. Each to his own--I say!


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