Pin Cushions

Above is a picture of my pincushion and a picture of a neatly organized wall plaque. When I was just a kid, and even a teenager,
we had a wall display of pins, needles, and other things but not nearly as neat and organized as the one in the picture.
We would always have straight pins, needles threaded with different colors of thread, safety pins and sometimes my mother would have one of her brooches stuck on the wall. It was always near the mirror on our dresser. So if we needed a pin, needle or safety pin it would be right there near our hand by the mirror.
We just stuck them right in the wall paper. There would be dozens of pin holes in the paper, which really ruined it. Somehow, my mother never mentioned anything to us about the damaging effects of the pinholes on the wall paper--and it really did ruin the paper. We also had a spot on the wall by the sewing machine where we stuck pins and needles. I suppose it didn't enter her mind that anything was wrong with the practice. It was handy and convenient so she just thought it was OK.
My pin cushion is not pretty and it is kind of tattered and old but at least my wallpaper is not ruined with pin holes. Actually, I don't have much wallpaper now but back in those days all we had on our walls was wallpaper. But I would never think if sticking a pin or needle in my wall, no matter how handy and convenient!
The A B Cs of it All
CDs and DVDs

Do you know what a VCR, PC, DVD, HDTV, GPS, CD--the bank kind and the music kind--DVR, and probably many others that I can't recall, is? You have to have a dictionary to know what all of those initials stand for. Actually, a dictionary would not even list all of them. You have to study the ads to know which is what.
I look at newspaper ads and wonder what all the Ds, Vs, Cs, Rs, and other letters stand for. I think I finally figured out that PC means personal computer and TV means Television. Beyond that I am still puzzled!
With all of the new inventions coming in the future they are going to run out of alphabet!
Our First Snowfall of the Season

The pictures above are from my computer room window and my family room window. Aren't they sickening? That is pretty much what I'll see all winter from my windows.
It snowed a little last night but most of the snow you see in the pictures are what fell today. I went to the mailbox about 3:00 PM and most of the snow fell after that. I timed my trip to the mailbox just right. I try not to go out when it is too snowy or icy.
It is a lot different than when my sister and niece were here in October. It was still warm then.
I have a doctor's appointment for Monday and I am hoping that the roads will be clear by then. We are supposed to get more snow Saturday but usually, by the next day most of the main roads are clear.
Just be thankful you don't live here in Indiana!