Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Studio Couch


Once when my youngest sister was probably about 4 0r maybe 5, she was picked out of a Sunday School class to sing a song on a radio show. She was very excited about it.

We had recently bought a new Couch-- at that time it was called a studio couch. I have no idea for the reason for that term but it was a studio couch. It opened out to make a bed.

So my sister was all dressed up for her debut at the radio station. She and my Mom were about to leave for the broadcasting studios for her performance. Someone who we knew saw her and said to her, "My, you look pretty, why are you so dressed up?"

My sister brightly said, "I am going to sing on the studio couch!" My Mother embarrassingly explained that they were going to the radio station for her to sing on the radio.

Somehow, in all the discussions about the studios at the radio station and our recent purchase of the studio couch, she had gotten the two mixed up and came up with studio couch as a name for the Studios of the radio station. Her enthusiasm was not dampened at all and she did sing on the radio at the radio station's studio (but not on the couch)!


At July 15, 2008 at 12:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that picture the sweetest thing you have ever seen!

At July 15, 2008 at 2:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, it made me want to kiss her and hug her! She is a doll!

At July 15, 2008 at 2:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the picture. I remember Grandma telling me that story and laughing. Mama tended to have a "word association" problem sometimes! She called the gas pedal in the car the "foot-feet." I always wondered about that until it dawned on me one day it was the "foot-feed." We also used to tease her because she couldn't say "aluminum." She said, "aluminumumum." I'd sure like to have a conversation with her now -- aluminumumum and all!

At July 15, 2008 at 6:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the photo! I've never heard that story before....but I can so imagine her saying it! Some of my Sara's baby pics remind me of mama. Mama was an adorable child.


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