Old Time Peanut Butter

Many years ago peanut butter was very different from the peanut butter of today. Now peanut butter is so creamy and smooth but back then it came with a couple of inches of oil on the top of it in the jar. You had to mix the oil into the rest of the contents before you could eat it. And it was never as creamy as today's peanut butter is.
Jiff is my favorite brand. I will eat Peter Pan or Skippy if it is on sale or I have a coupon, but otherwise I always buy Jiff.
I remember my Mother taking a big spoon and stirring down into the bottom of the jar to get all of the hardened part up to the top and mixing it and the oil all together. Then If you didn't eat any of it for a few days you had to stir it all up again. Now the peanut butter stays creamy for a long time after you open it. It was also a messy job. Whoever came up with the idea to homogenize--or whatever it is called that makes it creamy--deserves a big pat on the back! Or a big peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
Today's price of peanut butter is also a drastic change from the old days. That person who came up with the idea to homogenize is probably a very rich man today--if he is still living!
Honey Roasted Peter Pan is my favorite...I went into a state of depression when they had the recall last year. Thank goodness it's back on the shelves! The best peanut butter sandwich is with pear relish. Our French visitor was commenting on how they just recently started getting peanut butter on their grocery shelves. nh
I agree with you on the best sandwich--I make it with sweet pickle relish because I don't have pear relish. I really like that!
The best way I like to eat peanut butter is to spread it on a sliced apple. Delicious!
I used to love peanut butter and banana until I had to quit eating bananas. I didn't mash it up and make a sandwich -- I just smeared some peanut butter on the banana and ate it that way.
Wasn't there a brand of peanut butter called Circus peanut butter? Seems like I can remember seeing that in Grandma's cabinets.
I can't remember Circus Peanut Butter but maybe it was a southern thing.
MR sent me an ebay listing for a "Big Top" peanut butter jar. That was it -- I remember the colorful circus tents and animals on the jar.
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