Penny Candy Store

Penny Candy--mostly a memory!
When we used to visit in Texas both of my sisters would come to my Mother's home to see us. All of the grand children--eight of them-- would be together and have a ball playing. Most days they would make a trip to the neighborhood candy store with their nickles and dimes to buy penny candy. It was near my Mother's home and they could walk there without an adult.
They would come home with an odd assortment of candy, gum and other trinkets which had caught their eyes. We used to laugh and say that the candy store man was probably nuts by the time they left his store. Each one wanted the most they could get for their money, and they usually got it. I am sure they changed their minds many times before they settled on an item.
At that time penny candy was the big thing and the kids loved it. You could get bubble gum, BB bats, Tootsie Rolls, lemon drops, lolly pops, Black Cows and many other sweet treats. It was a big decision for all 8 kids and I am sure the candy man was relieved to see them heading out the door!
If those kids were to make a trip to the Candy store today they would have to take more than pennies--maybe dollars--and that would not buy much.
I googled penny candy and I guess there are still places where you can buy penny candy, but nothing like the old time penny candy stores.
It is a shame such fun places are not around for today's kids to enjoy--and drive the owners crazy!
I fondly remember the daily trek to the store for candy. My favorite was those paper straws with the powder candy in them. It was kind of like powdered sweetarts. One of those things would probably make me sick now.
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