
Such beautiful little pieces of the past! People used to use handkerchiefs all the time. Tissues have taken their place in this day and age.
In one way that was good and in another it was sad. If you have ever laundered a dirty handkerchief on a washboard like they did in the old days, you know why it was a good thing that they were replaced by tissues. But if you have ever looked at a beautiful stack of freshly ironed clean handkerchiefs, you know also why it was a sad thing.
Each week in the ironing my Mother might have had 25 handkerchiefs to iron. We always carried a fresh handkerchief in our pocket, or purse when we went somewhere. Handkerchiefs were a gift for almost any occasion. I remember that I loved ironing them. They were small and flat so it was easy to get out all of the wrinkles and fold them into a small square to put away in a drawer.
These days I carry a small personal package of tissues in my purse and I never have to launder them or iron them. I toss them after I use them-- much handier and more sanitary than handkerchiefs. But I do miss seeing the beautiful lacy handkerchiefs like we used to have. I am sure that they will never come back into use as they once were but maybe someone will come up with an idea to still be able to look at them and enjoy their beauty.
I have seen pretty embroidered handkerchiefs framed and a wall grouping made with them.
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