My Bowling days

Back in the late 60s and 70s we bowled in a bowling league. It was a lot of fun. Our team mates were our friends, the Fishers, Tom and Joanie.
The league was made up of people from the church where the Fishers went. So we knew all of the people on the league. We bowled one night a week, I think on Wednesday, from about September to April.
I never was a very good bowler and had only about a 125 average. But Tom and Ford were good bowlers and their averages were much higher so it all evened out.
The really fun part of the night was when we all went somewhere after bowling was over to eat a late night snack--some ate a big meal!
As time went by many of the people grew tired of the league and dropped out and some moved away. And in the end the league was discontinued for lack of participants.
I considered joining a bowling league after my husband died but I decided against it because it really is a commitment. If you don't bowl you still have to pay and get a substitute for yourself. I didn't want to be tied up to doing that and to having to go out in bad weather in the winter. So I now just enjoy my memories of when I was on a bowling league.
I took bowling in college, and we had to be at the bowling alley at 7 a.m. I like to bowl, but 7 a.m. was just a little too early for me to enjoy it!
Kyra, do you remember your all-time high score? I was on a league once too and really enjoyed it. I think my high score was 146...not too impressive for most, but I was happy with it! nh
I think maybe I got about a 180 one time or close to that. That was rare since my average was only about 125.
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