The Big Wedding

This is my grandson and his fiancee, Josh and Rachel. They are getting married May 23rd. I am lucky enough to be going to the wedding! Carla Sue and Brett, my daughter and her son and I are flying to Boise, Idaho on May 22nd. We will be there for about five days.
So what is the problem? I'll tell you what the problem is. I have not got anything to wear yet!
I have made two trips to stores to find something and I have not succeeded in finding anything I would be seen dead in!
I am sure the stores are in cahoots and when they see me coming they hide all of the decent stuff and just let me see the duddy things. I swear that is what happens.
About a month ago I did buy a blouse that I tried on and decided that it would work with a nice pair of slacks--I have already decided that I am not buying a dress. I probably would never wear it again. I have discussed this with Lana Kay, the groom's mother, and she said it would be fine for me to wear slacks.
Yesterday I tried on the blouse and it is the ugliest thing I ever have seen. I don't know what prompted me to buy it in the first place! It is already in the sack with the receipt for a return.
I ordered Levi Bend Over slacks and they came a day or so ago and they are so big I could never keep them up. So they are in the bag for a return also. Now I am back to square one .
I am going tomorrow and start all over. I have three weeks to find something and I hope I have some luck.
You know what? I think the problem is me, not the clothes I am looking at! I will never find anything that I think looks good on me so I will just have to find something that fits and forget the looks! That is what age does for you. I am, after all, eighty two years old.
I don't think it's age -- I just think they don't have decent clothes anymore!
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