Bottled Water

I cannot understand why anyone would buy bottled water except for one or two reasons--if you are traveling and need to have water on the trip then buying bottled water might make sense, or if you have well water and it doesn't taste good then buying bottled water would be an alternative. Otherwise I think you are throwing away money
I have read countless articles about bottled water being just plain old tap water that is bottled and sold as purified or better than your tap water. I have tasted bottled water and I can see no difference in it from tap water that I get from my kitchen sink. In fact some things I have read say it is not even as pure as your tap water.
With costs for living as they now are I fail to see why anyone would would buy what they can get at home, not free, but certainly cheaper than what you buy at the stores!
Even for a trip it would be more economical to fill plastic bottles with your tap water and take them along to drink. The bottles can be frozen and used to help keep your other items cold and then drank as they thaw.
If you don't know what else to spend your money for then I guess bottled water is OK but I will take mine from the tap!
Ok, I can leave the bottled water off just back off on telling me it is foolish to drink diet Dr. Pepper!
I confess, we buy bottled water! I have about 3 cases in the closet now. We started out with just a couple of cases to be kept in case of emergency. Then I started using them when I walk. Then I started keeping one on my nightstand for when I get up during the night. And once you start drinking that water regularly, the tap water does seem to have a bit of a taste. Especially during those times of the year when the lake turns over -- that tap water can be downright nasty then! But you are right -- much of it is bottled from municipal water supplies.
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