My First Plane Ride

Somewhere around 1929 or 1930, I don't remember the exact date, my Mother, my Dad and I were on one of our Sunday afternoon drives, (remember them?) My Dad had driven out to the city airport--if you could call it that, it was so small. Someone had a small airplane and was giving rides to anyone who wanted to pay about $5.00 for them.My Dad talked my Mother into going on the ride and taking me along. I think it was only about a 6 or 8 passenger plane.
My Mother really didn't want to do it but my Dad insisted on it. So we got on and took a little spin over the town of Paris, Texas. I barely remember the ride but I do remember looking out the window. That was a giant step for us! We probably could have bought a week's worth of groceries with what my Dad paid for us to ride. I don't know why he didn't go with us, I guess because of the $5.00 it cost to do it.
I never took another plane ride for many more years after that and it was on a big plane. But I can say I had a plane ride long before many other people did at that time. They didn't check our bags or shoes or anything. Times have sure changed!
I never knew Grandma ever rode on an airplane!
I didn't know she did either! Kyra,your blog has taught me so much. This one made me think about all the times Daddy forced us to go to the airport and made us go up in those old rusted planes! nh
Kyra, I am not the only one who didn't know that. So it must not have been discussed much down through the years. I just know Mama never said anything to me about riding on an airplanne.
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