I recently was on a bus trip to Texas and I am here to tell you that you see all kinds of things when you enter buses and bus terminals.
A person sat directly across the aisle from me on the bus and I say person because I could not tell if it was a man or a woman. The person did have a pony tail but then, so do lots of young people of both sexes nowadays. I really did think it was a man. Later, while this person was off the bus on a break, the lady who sat behind this person said to me something about the lady in front of her. I told her, "No, that is a man." She replied , "No it is a lady." I said, "Well she talks like a man," and she looks like a man."
Anyway, after the person got back on the bus I took greater notice of her and I had to admit that maybe she was a woman. She did have a deep voice and had on men's clothing but she also had a woman's purse and she had on rings like a woman would wear.
Another time when I was on a flight to Dallas a young person sat between me and the person on the aisle seat. We were talking together and this young person, who looked like a young boy, mentioned his age. I said to the aisle seat person, "He doesn't look that old, does he?"
Right after that the person said something that indicated "he" was a girl. I was shocked and embarrassed. If people don't want to confuse others about their gender than they shouldn't look so much like the other sex!
I certainly hope that people never have to try to figure out if I am a man or a woman!
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