Hooked on Nose Drops

There was a time back in my younger days when I had a problem with my nose getting stopped up and I had trouble breathing. I think it all started with a cold. Anyway, I bought some nose drops and began using them to unplug my nose. I was very pleased with the results of using the Privine nose drops.
It seemed that my cold never went away and I was really into using the drops to keep my breathing working well. Soon I was keeping a bottle of Privine in my purse, by the bedside, by my chair where I sat most of the time and in the car. I was terrified of not having a bottle wherever I happened to be. I was spending a fortune on nose drops!
Several people told me that I should stop using so much of the drops because I could get hooked on them. Hooked? Not me. I had to have them to breathe.
This went on for a couple of years and I was beginning to get concerned about it. Finally, I realized that I had to use more and more of them to do the job.
I did try to lessen my use and finally, for some unknown reason I had a spell of seeming to get better. I actually tried to go without using any drops. I had a hard time but I did manage to stop using any at all. Then I finally stopped all together and I lived!
I have not used any nose drops for many years. A while back I got a bad cold and I went to buy nose drops and I found that there was not any Privine at all on the drug store shelf. I don't know if the drug store was out or if Privine had stopped making them. Whatever, I ended up buying a bottle of Afrin and it worked well.
But I made sure to not use them except for a few days until my cold was gone.
Now I just checked and I have a bottle of Afrin on my medicine shelf but it has not been used for a long time. In fact the expiration date has probably run out and I will have to toss it .
I really believe that I was mentally hooked on those nose drops and I will never let myself get to that point again.
Your addiction was not mental..it was physical. My doctor once told me to never use Afrin for more than three days because it can quickly become an addiction! Despite his warning, I had an especially bad sinus infection one time and required the Afrin for much longer than the three days...it took a while but I eventually weened myself off it. nh
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