Whee! Free Candy

When I was a kid and we always had a running grocery bill, I loved it when my Dad got his check and cashed it and then paid John Griffis, our grocery man, some money on our grocery bill.
As a sort of Thank You for our business, Mr. Griffis would get a small paper sack and go to the candy counter and fill it with all kinds of penny candy for us kids. It was not a lot, probably about a quarter's worth, but we kids could hardly wait until we could get that sack open and tear into the candy. There would be jawbreakers, tootsie rolls, caramels, lollypops, gumballs, gum drops and all kinds of delicious penny candy.
That really was small payment for all of the groceries that we bought there. That was before Kroger and all the other large super market stores that are now available for shopping. So we paid premium prices for our groceries, though prices were lower(much lower) than they are now. It was a very small store but it was very near our house and since we had no car it was convenient for my Mom to do her shopping there. In fact she even did a lot of it by phone. They had a delivery man who would bring the groceries right to our kitchen and unload them for us.
We charged all of our groceries and then each pay day my Dad would pay a certain amount on the bill. Mr. Griffis was very agreeable to letting us do that. Many other people did the same thing.
I wonder if my super market would give me a candy bar and let me just pay a part of my bill the next time I shop? No way!
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