Am I Lazy, or What?

I am so spoiled by my way of life that I can't believe it. I do so little to make things work out!
I have every bit of any income I get automatically deposited to my bank account so I never have to go to the bank except maybe once in a while to draw out some cash.
I pay every bill I get by computer. I don't mean I get online and pay them every month but I have them set up so they are automatically taken out of my checking account every month and I don't have to do one thing except check on line to see that they are paid. I have only one bill that I have to do anything to pay. That is my cell phone bill. I do pay it on line but I have to get on line and actually pay it. I would have it automatically paid but Centennial Wireless, the company I have my cell phone with, has been in the process of being bought out by ATT and I have not been able to do it yet. But as soon as they are finished with their changeover I am going to make that a draft also, that is taken out automatically. I just check out my bank account on line often to see that the bills are actually taken out of my account. I have never had one problem at all with any bill.
I have my yard light with its electric eye so every day when it starts to get dark outside it comes on automatically. Then in the morning when gets light the light automatically goes off. I put a florescent bulb in so they last quite a while. Maybe once a year I have to change the bulb--and that irritates me when I have to do that!
I have a lamp set up with a timer in my living room and I set it to come on near dark each day and go off about midnight. I am aggravated that I have to change the timer for a different time in the spring and fall according to when it gets dark and light. So every night I have my living room light come on at dark and go off at midnight while I just sit and do whatever I am doing!
I do have one other light that I have to turn on and off at night but I am figuring out how I can set it for automation!
Now if I could find a way to set my clocks forward and back in the spring and fall automatically when time changes to daylight saving time I would be one happy person. I have about eight different clocks that I have to set ahead and back for daylight saving time--what a drag that is!
Thank God that computers are made to automatically adjust to the time changes. However, I have two video recorders that do not adjust automatically. I have to set them by hand--what a drag!
So, I sit on my couch and just watch as all of my stuff automatically does its thing! How nice.
I do still have to make my meals and cook them, most of the time. I hope that changes before too long!
I still have to do my taxes in person every April. Maybe Obama will fix that so I don't have to pay any! Right!
I don't think I could have made it if I had lived during the olden days when you had to build fires in the winter and cook on a wood stove, not have hot running water, fill oil lamps and light them every night and run around to pay each bill I get--not for me!
There may be disadvantages to progress but not too many. I find it all to be very advantageous!
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