Do you know what a box supper is? There may be box suppers somewhere these days but I never hear of them. I think they mostly took place in the churches or maybe schools.
Back in the olden days--actually, my mother's olden days-- they would have box suppers. All of the young girls would make a nice lunch for two and put it in a pretty box, maybe decorated with ribbons and bows. Then the boxes were all put on a table and someone would auction them off. No one knew who's box was whose. The young men would then bid on the boxes and if they got the bid they would buy the box and whichever girl had made that box got to eat her lunch with that young man. I am sure there were probably hints passed on to the men about which box belonged to which girl.
I never went to a box supper but my mother did and she told me all about them. It sounded like fun and probably was much cheaper than going out to a fancy restaurant these days!
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