I happened to be channel surfing the other day and I ran into a show about the desert and camels. I was not particularly interested in it but I did listen for a few minutes.
I was shocked to hear someone on there, I guess the narrator, say that sometimes the people would force their camels to drink an excessive amount of water right before they started on a desert trip. Then when they were some distance out into the desert and their water got low, they would force the camels to regurgitate the water and they would have water to drink. Can you imagine that? I think I would rather dry up an die than drink that water!
It all reminded me of some other things that I have heard of that seemed just about as yucky as that.
One thing that definitely shocks me is the old idea that many years ago people used their urine to whiten their teeth. I do know they claim that urine is sterile and clean, I certainly wouldn't want to put it on my teeth--no matter how yellow they were!
I remember my mother telling me that one of her sisters used to feed her babies food that she partly chewed before giving it to the baby. Of course, that was probably before they had baby food in stores to buy. However, I would have used a fork to squish up the food for the baby instead of that terrible practice of pre chewing the food. I don't know what she was thinking!
Another thing that used to make me turn green was when someone spit on a handkerchief and wipe a kid's face with it! My mother used to do that but she had me stick out my tongue to wet the handkerchief instead of spitting on it herself--somewhat more acceptable.
Another thing that my mother told me was that someone she knew--an in law or some other person--had a bunch of kids and would be busy washing dishes and one of the kids would pass by and she would grab her dishcloth and wipe the kid's nose and face with it and then put the rag right back in the dishwater and continue washing dishes! Yuck (actually, double yuck)!
I am sure everyone has his or her idea of what is the right way to do things but none of these things seem the right way to me.
I am glad that times have changed somewhat. I don't know anyone who does these kind of things now. At least not so you would see them do it. Maybe in privacy they would. Water is more readily available, and baby food also so you don't have to use spit for washing a face or prechew baby food!
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