My Bad Dream

Glenbrook Mall
Have you ever had a dream that left you uneasy, upset and just generally feeling terrible?
Well, I had one like that last night. This morning when I woke up I felt like I didn't really want to wake up--I wanted to finish my dream and get things straightened out before I left!
I think what started it all was the things I was thinking about when I went to sleep.
I am planning on Debbie, my niece, and Mary Ruth, my sister, coming to Indiana this summer for a visit. So I went to sleep thinking about things we could do while they are here. I planned out the whole visit including a trip to Glenbrook Mall. I know they like to go to malls and they don't have big malls there like we have here in Fort Wayne.
So in my dream we went to the mall. While we were there we somehow got separated from each other and I could not find them. I exerted much effort trying to get someone in charge at the mall to announce over the speaker system my problem and get us back together. But for some reason, nobody seemed interested in doing that. Every person I asked would say they would announce it but then they would get off my case and get involved in someone else's problem. I was frantic to get someone to just say over the speaker system that they, my niece and my sister, should come to the main entrance and I would be there. I never did find anyone who would do that.
Actually, I woke up before I could ever get the problem fixed. So I left my dream with Mary Ruth and Debbie still lost somewhere in Glenbrook Mall! I was very distraught and fretful about them even after I woke up. I actually slept about a half our longer than usual so I know the old tale that dreams only last a few moments is not true. This dream lasted much longer than a few moments. I felt uneasy and worried for quite some time after I got up.
So when they come we are making an agreement that if we get separated at the mall that we will meet at the main entrance if we get parted while there. So remember that, Debbie and Mary Ruth!
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