Scary Moments I Remember

My Dad, me and my Mother

This all happened about the time I was about 3 or 4 years old as in the picture above.
My Mother and Dad were on a trip to Elk City, Oklahoma. My Dad was looking for a job somewhere--anywhere. It was during the depression years and he had no job.
We were traveling in an old Model T Ford and were probably somewhere in west Texas on the way back home. Back in those days we didn't have a cooler or ice jug to carry along with us so my mother had suggested that we stop at a home along the way and ask for some water.
We stopped at a farm house and it was just about dark. My mother asked the people in the home if we could have some water to drink. The people said, "Sure." They had no lights on in the house and probably only had kerosene lamps.
So the man led us back through the dark house toward their kitchen. I can remember it as well today as if it were yesterday. It was so dark you could barely see to walk along the rooms. My Dad was carrying me so I felt somewhat more secure in his arms than if I had been walking. I don't remember much about the kitchen since I could not see it. Why the people didn't light a lamp to take us to the kitchen I have no idea. Anyway. I remember how dark and scary it was walking along in that strange house in the dark with people we didn't know from Adam!
Anyway, we got some water and somehow made it out of that scary, dark house to our car again.
That has been approximately 80 years ago and I still have visions of that scary moment. Thank God today for our brightly lit homes--and coolers and water jugs!
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