
Archie Campbell was the king of spoonerisms. He did several on Hee Haw years ago when that show was going on.
A spoonerism is a transposition of sounds in two or more words that make them sound ludicrous. Such as " a blushing crow" for a crushing blow or "flutterby" for butterfly. There are many ways to make a spoonerism.
Archie Campbell had some extremely funny stories that he did on Hee Haw. He did "Beeping Sleauty " for Sleeping Beauty", "Rindercella" for Cinderella," " The pea little Thrigs " for Three little Pigs. In the Rindercella one he used " Gary mudfather" for Fairy Godmother, "Mugly Other" for Ugly Mother. I can not list all of the funnies here but if you go to Google you will see them there.
Here's a list of a few other ones: A well boiled icicle for a well oiled bicycle; Let me sew you to your sheet for Let me show you to your seat; go in with buns glazing for go in with guns blazing.
I am fascinated with word games and anything to do with the use of words. So this idea of spoonerisms is a lot of fun to think about and fool around with.
I had almost forgotten about Archie Campbell doing those stories on Hee Haw. he never missed a beat when he did them. Must have taken a lot of practice to do them that well.
There was a weatherman on one of the local Dallas TV stations many years ago who, instead of predicting a cold air mass, predicted a cold mare's ass.
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