Frugal Me!
Bread puddingDeli buns
I am pretty proud of myself for this event! I had a package of deli buns that got pushed to the back of my freezer over time and were completely forgotten. I happened to find them while looking for something else the other day. They were so hard and dried out that I thought right away they would have to be thrown out. Bread does not fare well too long in the freezer.I was upset because throwing out food is not my cup of tea! So I spent the next few hours thinking of what I could do with those buns. Then it hit me--I love dressing and it is often made with stale bread. So I crumbled up several of the buns and had a big bowl of bread crumbs. I had some chicken parts in the freezer and I put them in my pressure cooker and cooked them until the chicken fell off the bones. I made a large pan of dressing with the chicken broth. It was delicious. I have enough for several meals of it. The next day I thought of bread pudding. So I dug out a recipe for bread pudding which called for two cups of bread crumbs. It had also had milk, eggs, sugar, vanilla flavoring, raisins, and chopped nuts. I had all of that on hand so I made a big pan of bread pudding. It turned out to be delicious also. My problem was solved; I didn't have to throw out my deli buns and I had delicious meals for a couple of days.I still have a few buns left but I am going to crumb them up and save them for another batch of dressing. Aren't I clever?Very little food goes down my garbage disposal. I guess you could say I am a human garbage disposal!
Tying a Knot in a Tie.
I am sure glad I am not a man! I have never learned how to tie the knot on a man's tie. I used to watch Ford put his tie on and just be stunned at how quickly and neatly he could do it. I never really tried to learn to do it because I did not wear them and I was just content to watch in amazement when he would make the knot in his tie.
The blue tie in the picture above is so much like a tie that Ford had when he was living. He loved that tie and we had many arguments about him wearing it. He wanted to wear it all the time. I would try to get him to wear one of his other ties--he had probably fifty of them--but he was determined to wear that one.
The other picture above is how it looks to me when I see someone tying a tie. Just a jumble of knots and loops!
I suppose if you tied a tie for about 75 years of your life you would surely learn to do it neatly. But I just don't want to go through all of that rigmarole it seems to be. I would go with a ready made bow tie!
A Sad Ending!
Margie and Gene Smith's wedding in 1942.Smitty and Margie were our life long friends until they died a few years ago. Ford was Smitty's best man when they got married. (Ford is on the right end in the picture) .
I never knew the girl who was Margie's maid of honor. I did meet and knew the little girl who was the flower girl in the wedding.
Sadly, everyone in this picture is now deceased.
Ford was Smitty's best man and they remained friends their whole lives until Ford died 9 years ago. then Smitty died about five years ago. Margie died a couple of years later.
I know of very few people who have friends that long. There were four of them who went to school together and were friends their whole lives: Smitty, Louie, Dutch and Ford. We saw them almost every summer and always talked at Christmas time. They all moved away from Indiana except Louie but we never lost touch with them over the years.
Now all of them are gone to that great beyond (I hope) where I am sure they are still friends.
South Paws
Gerald Ford and Barack Obama, two of our left handed presidents.
Have you noticed that Obama is left handed? Not only is he left handed but eight of our presidents since Garfield have been left handed. Since Richard Nixon there have only been two right handed presidents.
That is really more than just coincidence. I can't explain it and apparently no one else can.
I have in my own family a strange thing. My daughter, Carla, has been married two times. Both of her husbands have been left handed. And my other daughter's husband is also left handed. Its as if my kids have a thing for left handed men!
No one in my immediate family is left handed. None of the grand children are left handed. I have been exposed to a lot of the problems that left handed people run into. They have problems with all of the things that right handed people never give a second thought. The world is set up for right handers and left handers just have to deal with it in whatever way they can.
It used to be in ancient times people assumed that left handed people were not right--they had something wrong with them. But later it was assumed that left handers were smarter than other people. Many famous people were lefties; Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were all left handed. Can you sort that out?
Sadly, or not, I am right handed but I am not any smarter, nor any dumber than most other people! Have you noticed?
Mnemonics is a gimmick to bring to your mind things you want to remember.
One example of mnemonics is the phrase, righty tighty lefty loosey. It reminds you that to loosen a screw or anything that needs removed you turn right to tighten and left to loosen.
Another one is the little poem, thirty days hath September , April, June and November. That reminds you of which months have thirty days. And a third is Homes, which is the letters starting the names of the great lakes.
I used that method many, many times while I was in college to get through my exams. And many of them I remember even today.
In music, I am sure you remember every good boy does fine for the lines of the treble clef and face for the spaces on the treble clef; all cows eat grass grass for the spaces of the base clef and good boys do fine always for the lines of the base clef.
For a weather prediction there is, Red sky at night, a sailor's delight. Red sky in the morning sailors take warning.
For grammar there is, I before E except after C. I use that one often when I am writing my posts for my blog.
mnemonics is very much a part of my memory. I would be lost without it!
Nature's Beauty
Sea ShellsSea shells and driftwood
Above are pictures of some shells and driftwood that I have had for many years. I can't remember where any of them came from. I may have got them from garage sales and some I may have picked up at the beach.
I have the small ones displayed on a shelf in my computer room and the large one I use for a doorstop. I have another large one that is also used for a doorstop. They work very well for that.
I often think about what if those shells and driftwood could talk. I would love to know what ocean they came from and how old they are. I am sure they would have quite a story to tell me!
However, without knowing any of that I just enjoy looking at them on my shelf--and appreciate them holding my doors open!
A Puny Snow!
My Sister and Nephew, Mary Ruth and Steve
This is a Texas snow back in about 1951 or 52. It is really just a puny little snow compared to the snows we get here in Indiana! I can hardly remember ever getting a snow when I was a little kid and lived in Texas. Maybe once or twice we got a snow that covered the ground back then.
We sometimes have snow several feet deep here especially if it drifts. I am not bragging--I am complaining! Fortunately, we have not yet had a snow this winter. We had a few flakes come down once in early October. But I am hearing that we are going to have a hard winter this year, which will mean a lot of snow!
I am sure Steve was elated with the snow they had in this picture.
It would just be a baby snow for us.
A Double Tragedy
My cousin, Nellie Hedger, and her five children
Many years ago, approximately 70, My cousin Nellie lost two of her children by a drowning. Nellie was my Aunt Lizzie's daughter.
The children were out playing in the snow and ice and were on a pond which was frozen over. The two small boys. the small one in the front and the one she is holding or the middle boy in the second row, I not sure which were the ones who drowned, broke through the ice and fell into the water. No adult was there and by the time the other kids got Nellie's attention the boys were already drowned. It was a double tragedy and it hit Nellie hard.
Some one made a picture of the boys in their coffin, they were buried together and I did see the picture but I do not have one now.
Last summer my niece, Debbie, drove us around to visit places and she took us to the cemetery where they were buried. It was a sad sight. We could hardly find the graves for the weeds. No one takes care of the cemetery. Nellie has been gone for several years and the siblings do not live near so there is no one who takes an interest in keeping the graves cleaned up.
I often think about what a sad thing it was that happened so many years ago.
The View From My Front Window
This is a view from my front window.This is a view from my den window where I have my computer.
You can see why I like to sit on my couch by my front window! It is a beautiful sight! It is especially beautiful right now. The leaves are just turning and I can see many colors.
I really dislike fall because it is the end of warm weather and summer fun but it is a pretty time with all of the fall colors--I have to admit that!
I sit on my couch a lot and enjoy my array of colors especially when the sun shines, as it is today. Of course the TV competes with the sights from my window!
Sooner or later--later, I hope--snow will replace the beautiful colors and I will be stuck in a colorless white world!
A survivor
This plant is one that I got when Ford died (December 2000). My nephew and niece, Steve and Carole, sent it for the funeral. It was beautiful then. However, I may have neglected it some because it gradually lost its beauty and became sick looking.
A few months ago I became concerned about the plant because it was actually starting to die. I had a bottle of fern fertilizer from some years ago and I mixed some of it up and applied it to my plant. In a few weeks it started to perk up and began to get new fronds. I have kept up the fertilizing and now, as you can see, it looks much better.
I had several other plants from Ford's funeral and over time they have died off and I gave a couple of them to Brett, my grandson.
I would like to keep at least this one plant in memory of Ford as long as possible. I keep it in my bay window on the east side of my house. That seems to be the best place for it.
I think of my beloved husband, Ford, every time I look at the plant. Thank you, Carole and Steve, for a beautiful reminder of Ford.
My Early Sewing Accomplishment
Craig as a baby
Craig as a young man
These pictures are of my cousin, Craig O'Dea. He is my aunt Ruby Mae, my Dad's sister's boy.
When I knew that my aunt Ruby Mae was going to have a baby I immediately started planning a baby quilt. I saved all the colors and kinds of material suitable for a baby and found a pattern that I wanted to use for it. I did the whole thing by hand.
I worked on it for several months. Finally, when she had the baby, Craig, I carefully wrapped the quilt and went over to her house to deliver it.
I was so proud of that quilt. Now that I look back I am sure it was not perfectly stitched or put together exactly right but to me it was a prize!
Of course Ruby Mae acted very thrilled to get it and she immediately made this picture of the quilt with Craig on it.
Today, I never see Craig but I do think of him quite often. The last I saw him was at my Mother's 100th birthday party which has been about ten years ago.
Note: I had the earlier picture turned the wrong way. This is the correct pose.
Another Snake Story
Joe, Debbie, Joel DeWayne and SaraThis story was told to me by my sister, Sara, many years ago. She is now deceased.
She and her husband, Joe, had rented a cabin for their family at some lake for a week. I think it was somewhere in Oklahoma.
They arrived at the cabin and proceeded to unload their equipment. Soon, as Joe was unloading things into the cabin, Sara was checking out the cabin, looking in closets and cabinets and etc. Suddenly, Sara screamed out and Joe thought she was dying!
He went to check and Sara just pointed at the kitchen cabinet. Joe looked and there in the bottom of one of the cabinets was a big snake coiled up about ready to strike!
I don't need to tell you that they quickly grabbed up their unloaded equipment and reloaded it into the car. They were out of there quicker than you can say Jack Robinson!
I don't remember what they did after that but probably they headed back home. I don't blame them. If a snake got in there once it could surely do it again!
A Nightmare from Hell!
The pictures above are of my friend and her husband from high school back in 1942. I am not putting names on them for obvious reasons. However, even though she is now deceased some of her family might recognize the pictures.
Many years ago just after I was first married and Ford was overseas she and her husband were visiting in Paris and I saw her. She begged me to go back home with her and her husband and spend a few days. So I accepted the invitation.
The first night there she was getting a studio couch ready for me to sleep on and she looked in her closet and said, "Shoot, I don't have any clean sheets!" Then she added, "Oh well, I'll just get these out of the dirty clothes hamper, they are not very dirty." So I watched in disbelief while she put the sheets on the couch.
The dirty sheet deal was of little consequence after her next story!
She related to me that a couple of weeks earlier they had found a snake in the bottom of the couch.
I cut my visit short after that first night and I have never been back to her place again!
Do you think I slept good that night?
More Supermarket Woes
Along with cart problems I am usually at the red arrow when I get in a checkout line! If I go through the 10 items or less line someone ahead always breaks the 10 item rule.
If I see a shorter line and move to it, invariably, suddenly someone has a problem with an item or the computer messes up and I have an even longer wait!
So I have learned to just stay in my line and wait it out. You can't win, for losing!
Once in a while I am lucky--but not often--and get in a short line and really get checked out quickly.
Grocery Shopping Carts
A cart that looks perfect, but it may have a wobbly wheel, or a wheel that does its own thing. You never know until you push it.
I went to the grocery store today. I was in a good mood and felt fine--until I started pushing my grocery cart!
I invariably get a cart that has a bad wheel and is very hard to push, or one that goes its own way with no regard to where I want to go!
I am sure there is a conspiracy for getting me to use a cart that has something wrong with it. I never get a good cart that is easy to push and runs smoothly along the aisles. They must have a guy that watches for me and makes sure I get an inferior cart!
Today my cart wanted to go to the left and it did unless I struggled to get it to go straight. I wrestled with it until I finally got all of my items in it and checked out. Then I realized I had forgotten a couple of things and went back into the store for them. I just carried them in my hand because I saw that guy up there by the carts waiting for me to come take a wobbly wheeled cart. I fooled him!
Miss America 1975
Miss America 1975 , Shirley Cothran (center)
I have a far reaching connection to Miss America 1975. Shirley Cothran.
In 1936 I lived near Shirley Cothran's grandmother in Paris, Texas. And I was friends with her mother or her aunt , Melba --never knew which. Her Grandmother lived just almost next door to our family. When my youngest sister, Sara, was born at home, Shirley's grandmother came over to assist the doctor with her birth--sort of a midwife I guess you would call her. My mother was very appreciative of that. Not just anyone could do that kind of thing.
At that time I never realized that someday her granddaughter, Shirley, would be a famous person! I was friends then with Shirley's mother, or her aunt whose name was Melba. I really never knew if Melba was her mother or her aunt.
Anyway, That is really far reaching for a connection. But there you have it. I am connected to Shirley Cothran, Miss America 1975! I don't feel any different!
A speaker for the drive in movie. It attached to your car window.A drive in movie theater
Remember drive in movies? We went to many of them back in the fifties and sixties when our kids were small. We went usually about once a week--mostly on Friday or Saturday nights.
We would get a supply of candy bars, popcorn, a cooler filled with pop and off we would go for a fun filled night.
Usually, the kids would be sleeping by the time we got home again.
That was a low cost and pleasantly spent night for us. There were usually two movies and short things in between the two movies.
I checked in our area and the only drive in movie theater around our area is one at Huntington, Indiana which is about 25 miles from us. This drive in was established in 1950 and has been in continuous operation ever since.
However, I have no need for a drive in movie theater now! I have my TV and also you can rent any movie you want and watch it in the comfort of your own home--much cheaper than going to a theater. So why would I go to a drive in movie?
Maybe just for old time's sake!
God, Country & Rock n Roll
Recently, when I was in Texas, my sister took me to a concert. I have never been to a concert that I enjoyed as much as I did this one.
We certainly got our money's worth; the concert was three hours long. I was as enthused with the last song as I was with the first.
Most of the men in the band were former players of some big band in the past. They played so many old songs that I can't even remember all of them; Hello, Mary Lou, the old Ricky Nelson song, Blueberry Hill, a Fats Domino song, many hymns which were jazzed up until they were almost unrecognizable and I can't even begin to list all of them. As I said, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the concert.
At then end of the concert the members of the band marched down through the audience playing their last song. I got some great pictures of them. Too bad I can't show all of them. Anyway, I have them in my album and I can look back and reminisce in the time to come!
My sister, Mary Ruth, will never know how much that concert meant to me even though I tried to tell her. It was truly one of the highlights of my life! Thanks, Mary Ruth!
Many years ago, my sister and her family were going to have a family portrait made at a studio.
The photographer was posing them in various ways to get the best pose. Suddenly, Mary Ruth looked and Cotton was holding his hand up as if he were playing Mother, May I, please. Mary Ruth said, "What are you doing?" Cotton replied that the photographer had said raise your hand.
Mary Ruth said, "NO, he said to raise your head!" So Cotton embarrassingly lowered his hand and then raised his head.
Anyway, the picture turned out fine as you can see from the picture above. I wonder what the photographer thought about the raised hand? We'll never know!
Maple Nut Goodies
Do you like maple nut goodies? For as long as I can remember they have been one of my favorite candies.
Just yesterday Carla, my daughter, brought me a 20 ounce bag of maple nut goodies. She knows I like them and she happened to see this bag on sale so she bought it for me.
I have really dug into it since then! It has been some time since I have had any of them so they are really hitting the spot.
I have had several gifts recently from my niece, my sister and my daughter that I have really appreciated. One was two jars of pickled pig feet, one was a ticket to the most enjoyable concert I have ever been to, and then the bag of maple nut goodies.
They are things I could afford but I probably wouldn't have bought them for myself. So I really enjoyed them since they were paid for by someone else! Thanks to all of you!
I have been eating maple nut goodies all day. I may put on a few pounds--who cares? I may not have them for another year or so.
Why are some eggs brown and some eggs white? It's a matter of genes. Some breeds of hen, such as the Rhode Island Red, lay brown eggs, while others like the White Leghorn, lay white eggs. Brown or white, there is no difference in taste, nutritional value , cost or cooking performance.
Another source says that the chicken's earlobes--yes, they do have earlobes--determine the color of the egg. Chickens with white earlobes, usually have brown or red feathers and lay brown eggs; chickens with red earlobes usually have white feathers and lay white eggs. But that is not always so. Sometimes the opposite is true.
So there you have it. The difference between white and brown eggs is purely cosmetic; it's just a matter of a baby taking after its mom.
I do see some brown eggs in my grocery but not many. Most of the eggs are white. That is what I buy, not because I think there is a difference but because that is what is always available.
A Rundown Home
My mother's house when she lived in it.Recently, on my trip to Texas, my niece took my sister and me on a quick ride around our home town to see some of the old places where we used to live back in our childhood. As we passed by the last place where my mother lived before she went to the nursing home we were shocked to see how rundown the place has become. The roof of the carport has fallen down in the middle and is just absolutely unusable now. I can't understand why people let their property get in such bad shape. I guess maybe I do understand. The economic crunch has caused people to choose between fixing up their property or eating!My mother would turn over in her grave if she saw that house now. She always wanted her place to be spic and span. She kept her yard neat and did all she could to keep her home and yard looking good. I am glad that she is not here to see her place so unkept!My mother's place was a very modest dwelling and not fancy at all but it was always very neat and respectable. The people who live there now may not have money to fix up the place in the best way but they could keep the yard neat and I am sure the man could repair the roof of the carport with a hammer and a few nails.I was greatly saddened by the looks of my mother's beloved home. However her present home is one of the most beautiful possible--Heaven!
Robert Wagner
Robert Wagner & Natalie Wood
A Young Robert Wagner
The present Robert Wagner-->
Isn't it sad what time does to a person? Just look how handsome Robert Wagner was a long time ago and what time has done for his looks. He is still a pretty handsome man in his older age but nothing like his young looks.
Hart to Hart was one of my favorite shows when it was still running. Robert Wagner was married to Natalie Wood at one time but she died mysteriously years ago in a boating accident. Jill St. John was his partner in the Hart to Hart series.
Now I see Robert Wagner quite often pushing reverse mortgages in a commercial, no longer in demand for hit movies! That is what time does for you!
I am sure he is financially set up for life but he is no longer sought out for movies. That must hurt, bad!
Handsome Vance!
Smitty and Margie, our friendsVance Smith
Once we visited our friends, Smitty and Margie, in California.
It so happened that they were also having Smitty's brother's boy there at the same time we were going to be there. He had told us that his nephew, Vance Smith was there and it was fine because they had plenty of room for us all.
Lana Kay and Carla Sue, who were teenagers at the time, were thrilled; they were going to meet Vance Smith and they pictured him as a good looking young boy that they could have fun with. Vance sounded so thrilling a name for a boy!
Well, not so. Vance was kind of fat and not very friendly. He was a big disappointment to them. They said that he looked more like a Dudley than a Vance!
So much for the good looking boy that they had hoped to have fun with! Their dreams of fun were dashed after they met him.
Gene and the Skunk
Gene and DebbieMy niece Debbie's, husband, Gene, is somewhat of a fitness freak. He runs every morning so many miles, I'm not sure how many, but he seldom misses his morning run.
One morning he was out on his usual run and it was still dark. He suddenly came on a skunk who very quickly sprayed him.
Of course he returned home to get cleaned up, he thought! He used the usual remedy of tomato juice and a few other things to get rid of the skunk smell. He threw his tennis shoes into the garage garbage can.
He went to work and was greeted with, "Phew you stink!" So he had to return home and try again to get rid of the smell. As he entered the garage he knew throwing the shoes in the garbage can was a big mistake. He had to burn them to get rid of the terrible smell.
Finally, after several baths he did lose the skunk scent. On his morning runs he now watches out for skunks because he doesn't want to encounter another one.
Do You Know This Girl?
The unknown girlSome time ago Ford's nephew, Bob, his sister's son, sent me this picture. On the back Bob had written: Anna Beth, or her sister. No one in their family knew who she was. The picture was found among his mother's (Ford's sister) belongings after she died and one of them mentioned that it looked like me. So he sent it to me for my verification that it was me or one of my sisters.
I was flattered that they thought it was me, because the girl is very pretty, but it wasn't. I sent a reply telling them that it was not me or my sister and I had no idea who it was.
This left everyone wondering who the girl is. The only one who could tell us is deceased.
Isn't it sad to be lost and unidentified and doing the Hula dance in cyber space? Maybe some day some one will be able to tell us who she is but as for now we just wonder.
Perfume Pins
These are actually my pins
These are from Google This is an Avon perfume pin from Google
Many years ago there were pins called perfume pins. They had an opening in the back in which you could place a wad of cotton saturated with perfume. Then you could wear them and have a per fumy smell emitted from them for several days or maybe even weeks.
I still have the two pins pictured at the top. As you can see one of the eyes is missing from one of the pins. The pins are a little tarnished but still very pretty.
I have not seen perfume pins in many years but they were very popular at the time I got mine. They mostly came in pairs but some, such as the Avon pin were just a single pin.
Why they died out I can't say but I liked mine very much. Now I hardly ever wear the pins but when I do, I smell GOOD!